There is also a PDF version of my CV available.

After completing my master's degree in computer science at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, I worked for the innovation service provider ZĂĽhlke Engineering for almost 9 years and successfully completed over 10 client projects, mainly in the field of embedded software.
Since 2023, I have continued my project work on a freelance basis and have already successfully completed the first project for Hekatron Brandschutz.
Professional Experience
Freelance project work with a focus on embedded software architecture and software development with C++. In addition, consulting and implementation in the areas of continuous integration and testing.
Architect and technical lead in the area of device creation. Focused on the following projects, which were all done in remote team setups:
- Guidance of a team located in Germany and Romania in developing the software for the next generation of a coffee machine
- Responsibility for the conception of the remote test setup for the development of an IIoT delineator post; coaching of the technical lead of that project
- Responsibility for the software architecture as well as guidance of the software team in the development of a module of a patient monitor
Additionally, besides the project work: Career coaching for colleagues in the embedded software development group.
Software Engineer for system projects. In the Tech Lead role responsible for the firmware development of an IoT device for the predictive maintenance of railway infrastructure:
- Responsibility for software architecture and quality
- Interdisciplinary work at system level
- Requirements engineering with the customer’s product owner
- Leadership responsibilities for five software developers
- International cooperation with colleagues from Serbia
Additionally, besides the project work: Supporting new colleagues through C++ training and mentoring. Conducting interviews with applicants.
Software development and consulting for embedded systems with a focus on C++. Gradually taking on more responsibility for project success and direct client communication.
- Test Stand for an Oven (NI Teststand and C++ framework on Windows)
- Household Appliance for Hot Drinks Preparation (FreeRTOS on ARM Cortex-M)
- Prototype for a Coffee Machine (C++ on Arduino)
- Architecture Review of a Control Software for Industrial 3D Printers
Software development for embedded systems as a young professional (C, C++ and Qt). Collaboration in agile projects and taking over initial responsibilities in communicating with customers and support of a junior colleague.
Research in the field of computer-assisted interventions. Development of an ultrasound-based assistance system for minimally invasive implantation of markers around a tumor. Implementation and evaluation of the system in cooperation with medical personnel. Publication of the research results.
Research Assistant
2013 - 2014 | Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED)Research in the fields of IT security and image processing, in a joint project of Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, the Federal Criminal Police Office and industrial partners. Development of algorithms for the automatic detection of the outer ear on 3D images. Publication of the research results.
System Administrator & Web Designer
2007 - 2014 | Self-employedSide-jobs in the areas of system administration of client-server environments and CRM systems and web design for multiple clients:
- Human resources and management consultancy
- Law firm
- Seminar organiser