
Development of an algorithm for the detection of the ear region.

As part of a process for the identification of persons based on the characteristics of their ears, an algorithm for the detection of the ear region was developed. The input for the algorithm were 2D photographs and associated depth images. This project was done within the scope of biometric research.

See also the complete document of the thesis: Detektion von Ohren auf 3D-Profilbildern unter Verwendung der Flächenkrümmungen (German)


Design, implementation and scientific evaluation of the detection algorithm in MATLAB.


  • A. Pflug, A. Winterstein, C. Busch: Robust Localization of Ears by Feature Level Fusion in Image Domain and Context Information, 6th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) in Madrid, Spain (2013)

  • A. Pflug, A. Winterstein, C. Busch: Ear Detection in 3D Profile Images Based on Surface Curvature, International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP) in Piraeus-Athens, Greece (2012)