Adrian Winterstein 861 WΓΆrter 5 Minuten Yocto

This guide uses a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W as an example, but could easily be used with any other Raspberry Pi device that is supported by the meta-raspberrypi layer. It can also be used with other devices, but would need the device-specific board support package instead of meta-raspberrypi then.

The resulting project repository of this guide is also available in the branch examples/yocto-project-create of my Yocto examples repository.

Repository Structure

Let's start with an overview on possible repository structures for a Yocto project based on the reference distribution Poky. Creating an own distribution instead of using Poky is highly recommended for productive environments, but not explicitly covered in this guide.

Inside of Poky

The simplest way to get started with a Yocto project, is to clone the Poky repository and add the Yocto layers you need to the resulting directory as described in the Quick Build chapter of the Yocto documentation. This approach, however, has the disadvantage that the layers selection, for example, cannot be put under version control and the steps for adding the necessary layers for a project would need to be done manually each time.

The structure of such a project could look like this:

β”œβ”€ bitbake               # part of the poky repository
β”œβ”€ build                 # not under version control
|  β”œβ”€ conf
|  |  β”œβ”€ bblayers.conf   # manually adapted
|  |  β”œβ”€ local.conf      # manually adapted
|  |  ...
|  ...
β”œβ”€ meta                  # part of the poky repository
β”œβ”€ meta-poky             # part of the poky repository
β”œβ”€ meta-project          # example layer of the project
β”œβ”€ meta-openembedded     # not under version control
β”œβ”€ meta-raspberrypi      # not under version control
└─ oe-init-build-env     # part of the poky repository

The custom layers that are created as part of the project, can be versioned in separate git repositories and need to be added to the project the same way as all the other layers are added.

Git Submodules

Alternatively, a git repository could be created for the Yocto project and the layers - including Poky - could be added as git submodules in this repository. With the structure then looking like this:

β”œβ”€ build                 # not under version control
|  β”œβ”€ conf
|  |  β”œβ”€ bblayers.conf   # manually adapted
|  |  β”œβ”€ local.conf      # manually adapted
|  |  ...
|  ...
β”œβ”€ meta-project          # example layer of the project
β”œβ”€ meta-openembedded     # included as a git submodule
β”œβ”€ meta-raspberrypi      # included as a git submodule
└─ poky                  # included as a git submodule
   β”œβ”€ bitbake
   β”œβ”€ meta
   β”œβ”€ meta-poky
   └─ oe-init-build-env

The used layers and their versions are versioned in the project git repository now together with the content of the custom layers of the project. The bblayers.conf which defines which layers are used and the local.conf which defines the machine and the distribution, however, still need to be managed manually after cloning the project repository.


This is where kas, the setup tool for bitbake based projects, comes into play. It allows to define the layer dependencies and things like the machine, the distro or the target in a project file and automatically clones the dependencies and generates the configuration within the build directory. The repository structure looks very similar to the git submodules approach:

β”œβ”€ build                 # not under version control
|  β”œβ”€ conf
|  |  β”œβ”€ bblayers.conf   # generated by kas
|  |  β”œβ”€ local.conf      # generated by kas
|  |  ...
|  ...
β”œβ”€ meta-project          # example layer of the project
β”œβ”€ meta-openembedded     # created by kas
β”œβ”€ meta-raspberrypi      # created by kas
└─ poky                  # created by kas
|  β”œβ”€ bitbake
|  β”œβ”€ meta
|  β”œβ”€ meta-poky
|  ...
|  └─ oe-init-build-env
└─ project.yml           # project configuration

The layers that the project depends on are no longer added as git submodules, but are defined in the project.yml and then automatically cloned by kas. The configuration in the build directory does not need to be adapted manually anymore and is generated by kas instead.

This approach with kas is used for the rest of this guide.

Project Setup

Make sure that you have kas installed, as described in its Getting Started Guide.

The first step of the project setup is to create or clone a git repository for your project. As soon, as you have this done you can continue the setup within the directory of this repository.

Kas Project Configuration

Create a project.yml like the following in the project directory:

# Every file needs to contain a header, that provides kas with information
# about the context of this file.
  # The `version` entry in the header describes for which configuration
  # format version this file was created for. It is used by kas to figure
  # out if it is compatible with this file. The version is an integer that
  # is increased on every format change.
  version: 18

# The machine as it is written into the `local.conf` of bitbake.
machine: raspberrypi0-2w-64

# The distro name as it is written into the `local.conf` of bitbake.
distro: poky

# The bitbake target to be built for this project.
target: core-image-base

  # This entry includes the repository where the config file is located
  # to the bblayers.conf. It also contains all project layers that are not
  # versioned in separate git repositories.

  # The layers of Poky to be included in the bblayers.conf.
    commit: df5c19f5d143b161bc5b8d42c24cc1a278ed2417

  # The layers of Open Embedded to be included in the bblayers.conf.
    commit: dda0d53326017d6758ec6bdfdaf2f484c089d13f

  # The board support package for the Raspberry Pi.
   commit: 6df7e028a2b7b2d8cab0745dc0ed2eebc3742a17

The commit hashes should be adapted to the versions of the layers that you want to use.

Create a .gitignore file with the following content, so that the build directory and the dependencies are excluded from the repository:


Checkout the dependencies via kas:

kas checkout project.yml

Instead of checkout you can also use the build parameter to checkout the dependencies and directly build them.

Project Layer

Create an empty file conf/layer.conf first. Otherwise, the creation of the project layer would fail. This file can be deleted after the layer creation, but it also won't hurt to keep it. Just make sure to only adapt the layer.conf within your layer later on.

After the file was created, you can create your project layer as also described in Creating Your Own General Layer in the Yocto documentation:

source poky/oe-init-build-env
bitbake-layers create-layer ../meta-project

You do not need to add your layer with bitbake-layers add-layer meta-project. Add it to the project.yml file instead as kas is taking care of the bblayers.conf file. The layer needs to be at the meta-custom section withing the repos configuration:


Add an exemption for the directory of your layer to the .gitignore file:


Image Baking

You can then bake the image with the following command that is called from the main project directory:

kas build project.yml

Be aware that the build will fail, unless you allow an additional license flag in the configuration at least for the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, but probably for other variants as well. Add the following line to meta-project/conf/layer.conf:

LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED:append = "synaptics-killswitch"

In case, that you need to run bitbake commands for your project, you can always source the environment as usual and execute bitbake directly:

source poky/oe-init-build-env
bitbake core-image-base

The image can then be found in build/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi0-2w-64/.

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